We finished up our unit on simple machines this week! The younger class was unable to watch this video on incline planes, so if you have a chance please take a look. We had a wonderful time making marble runs this week. We have some amazing engineers in our classes. Here is a video showing how to make a marble run if you would like to make your own. https://youtu.be/IN0Wn0XgPXQ Optional Homework: Build a Rube Goldberg's Machine using simple machines. Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist that is known for drawing complicated machines to do simple tasks. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to design a machine using simple machines that will result in poping a balloon. See the video below for an example. Take a video of the machine or bring it in January for us to see first hand. Have fun inventing!
Presentations: Wonderful presentations! Centripetal Force, Jellybeans, Chocolate, Atoms Presentation Reminders: Provide an image or a hands-on example. Highlight key-words, or use bullet points on an index card. Practice presenting before you come. Project your voice, so that everyone can hear you. (I usually say to bounce your voice off the back wall.) Science Time: We continued our unit on Simple machines this week. This week we learned about wheels. This is the video we watched. In our lab time we built balloon cars with wheels and axles. Here is a link to learn more about wheels: http://www.explainthatstuff.com/howwheelswork.html Math: Keep up the good work mastering facts! I will be working this week to post more black belt math challenges. Please note: It is okay to stay on a level as long as it is necessary to master the material. Perhaps some student...